Stop the Stock.

We'd rather be fed to piranhas than intentionally create the bland, soulless sound that is most stock music. We know some people really like that stuff and that's fine, but we're guessing those people will probably hate our music. However, we do have an extensive music library comprised of fresh, expertly-crafted music made by real musicians, playing real instruments in actual recording environments. We like making only quality music. Have a listen, we think you'll see what we mean. Let’s get un-stock.

Wait, this isn’t custom?

The tracks in our library are completely customizable, which means we can tailor our tracks to your specific project.

Great, another library to get lost in.

Don’t worry, we’ll do the searching for you. Just drop us a line, sit back, and relax.

Check out our musical wizardry and spine-tingling awesomeness below. Once you become helplessly hooked, keep sifting our bins here for more musical magic.

Featured Playlists

Our Work

Chevy | Snow Day

Coinbase | International Transfers

Domino’s | Stacy’s Leftovers

Tanqueray | Damn Fancy

Uber Eats | If You’re Lucky

GMC | Work From Anywhere

Give us a shout.

And by shout we mean it, we’ve got the tunes cranked!